MacKinney Systems, Inc.

JES2 output queue printing

JES Queue for Printers

JQPRRCMD02 error message VTAM RECVCMD failed


I am upgrading my JQP installation and am getting the following error:
What am I doing wrong?


You should only receive this error if you are running JQP 2.4 or above. This error indicates AUTH=SPO has not been added to the JQP APPL statement.  Update your VTAM APPL definition for JQP, vary the major node inactive and back active, then start JQP.

Print disappears from spool, never prints


I just installed a new printer and set it up like all my other printers.  When I send print to it, it  just disappears.  The JQPLOG says it printed successfully, it cleans it up but it never arrives at the printer.  I noticed the only printer language it understands is PCL6.  Is this a problem?


JQP does not understand PCL6.  It can process PCL5, PCL5E or Postscript, but if there are PCL6 commands in the input datastream JQP will not process them and may "swallow" the report.

Sharing VSAM JQPFILE between LPARS


Can you share the JQPFILE between LPARS?


You can share the JQPFILE between LPARS with RLS if they are in a SYSPLEX as follows:
The following is a list of RLS requirements for the JQP VSAM file used in a SYSPLEX environment:

  1. VSAM Server region (SMSVSAM) is running on the SYSPLEX.
  2. SHR(2,3) is required for JQPFILE dataset.
  3. RLS=NRI added to the JQPFILE DD statement.
  4. JQPFILE dataset altered with LOG(NONE).
  5. JQPFILE dataset altered with STORCLASS(VSAMRLS). You can verify the RLS function is working properly by listing the catalog entry for the VSAM file. There is an entry for 'RLS IN USE --------(YES)'.

Shutdown immediate results in A03 abend


We did a shutdown immediate on JQP, it ended with an A03 abend. Is that a problem?


No, this is not a problem - it is the result of an immediate shutdown.  All tasks are purged and an A03  is the resulting abend code. 

Writing JQP messages to system console


I would like to send a few specific JQP messages to the console.  Is this possible, and if so, how?


If you are running JQP 2.3 or above you can easily do this.  By default, all messages are eligible to write to 
JQPLOG and no messages are eligible to write to the system console SYSLOG.  To write a message to the system console, modify the message table (JQPFDFMS) specifying SYSLOG=YES after the text of the message.  If you don't want the message written to JQPLOG, specify JQPLOG=NO after the text of the message. 
After making these changes, reassemble JQPFDFMS and issue the "NEWCOPY JQPFDFMS" command from JQP to make it active.