MacKinney Systems, Inc.

VTAM session manager.


Help PF1 key system logic error


I have a problem with Switch 6.0 Help.  When I press the PF1 key Switch issues the message


You need to load the Switch help file.  Do this by issuing the following command from the Switch command line:

Loading new Switch password in GSFDFCT, making it active


I'm updating VTAM/Switch's password in GSFDFCT. When I load the newly assembled table using the NEWCOPY command, is the new password loaded? Or, do I have to recycle VTAM/SWITCH to make the new password active?


The password is loaded when you NEWCOPY the GSFDFCT table.  You do not have to recycle Switch.


Order Switch application list display, order in GSFDFAP or GSFDFAX


Is there a way to display the Application List in a particular order? Possibly the order the applications are defined in GSFDFAX?


Yes, you can control the order the applications display on the application screen.
For release 6.0 and above of Switch, first determine if you are using the online administration panels. 
Issue the command "SHOW", then "F ADMIN" - - verify if "ADMIN MENU FOR GSFDFAP" and "ADMIN MENU FOR GSFDFAX" is YES.
If so, choose either option 2 - Application Groups if you use groups or option 1 - Applications.  Select each application and give it a sequence number.  The applications will then display in sequence number order.
If you are not using the online administration panels and still using tables or an older release of Switch, use the parameter in the control table (GSFDFCT) to determine the order of applications.  Issue the command "SHOW" and then "F AXORDER".  This should bring "DISPLAY APPLS IN AX ORDER" to the top.  If the parameter is set to "YES" the applications will display in the order coded in the application group table (GSFDFAX).  If the parameter is "NO", they will display in the order coded in the application table (GSFDFAP).

Purge user with Force causes Switch abend


Is it true if a logical terminal is forced inactive (PURGE user,FORCE) it will cause VTAM/Switch to fail?


Yes, the "PURGE user,FORCE" option can cause VTAM/Switch to ABEND. It should only be used as a last resort as it bypasses integrity checks. If the FORCE option is used and VTAM/Switch does not ABEND, VTAM/Switch should be SHUTDOWN and re-started at your earliest convenience.

Switch changing or increasing number of sessions, session limit


My Switch application menu appears to have a 5 session per user limit. Can this be increased? If so, how?


For users coded in the user table (GSFDFUS) or added via the administrative panels, increase the MAXSESS parameter to  your desired number of sessions for the user. For dynamic users not defined to Switch, you may increase their  session limit by updating the control table (GSFDFCT) parameter MAXSESS.