FileArc 1.4 Release Notes
Released On: 07/22/2021
• SET IEBCOPY WARN option added to ignore return code 4 from IEBCOPY when backing up PDS and PDSE files when the output files use System Determined Blocksize. (Or any other reason for a return code 4.)
• Support for restoring NEWNAME datasets using &q(b:e) patterns was added.
• STORCLAS and MGMTCLAS parameters are omitted when restoring (redefining) an AIX.
• SET SHARE ON option added to allow backup of closed VSAM base files with open AIX files. However, this option is not generally recommended.
• If a base cluster is available for exclusive access, but an AIX for that base is not, DFSMS can return a code 168 and the step would formerly abend with code S0C4. With this release, the base will be deallocated, allocated DISP=SHR, and retried. SET SHARE(ON) should not normally needed.