MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Load base cluster and multiple indexes at the same time

KWIK-KEY/KWIK-LOAD builds up to 9 alternate indexes from an existing VSAM file, and does it fast! You can also reload a base cluster and create up to 9 alternate indexes with a single read of the backup file. Direct CI processing (when available) also increases the speed significantly.

Is your batch window shrinking? Is moving to VSAM/RLS for all your files impractical? Try speeding up your rebuilds with KWIK-KEY/KWIK-LOAD.

A customer's quote regarding KWIK-KEY/KWIK-LOAD's performance: "Boy, did you guys kick the pants off 's product!"

Tests from that shop:

 Clock TimeCPU secondsStart I/Os
IDCAMS BLDINDEX97463.48247,287
Competitor's product53.53217.09125,964