MacKinney Systems, Inc.
  • Extensive online help
  • Compatible with all versions of z/OS, VSE, and CICS
  • Supports all CICS screen sizes (24x80, 32x80, 43x80, and 27x132)
  • Supports all CICS BMS extended field attributes (color, highlighting, etc.)
  • Supports upper and lower case characters
  • Online CICS/MAPR II functions include adding new maps, changing or browsing existing maps, copying maps to a new name, deleting maps, renaming maps, a test facility, a demo system, and a directory screen to list and work on all of the maps defined to MAPR
  • A CICS to z/OS job submission facility that enables users to submit jobs from CICS to execute site-customized z/OS map procedures to create BMS map source, copybooks, and/or assemble and link mapsets
  • A batch utility program that allows for migrating map(s) from "test to production" by copying map(s) from one CICS/MAPR II VSAM file to another
  • Optional browse and/or update password for each map.  Can be used for security purposes or as a check-out facility for an update cycle that lasts days or weeks.
  • Automatic protection against simultaneous CICS updates to a map (unlimited browsers allowed)
  • Online DFHWBOUT and DFHMDX definition, for customized HTML on  TEMPLATE map assemblies
  • Full-length field names on the DFHMDF macro.  This is helpful for web applications that use these actual field names in the map load module's Application Data Structure Descriptor (ADSD)


Conversion of existing BMS source:
CICS/MAPR II supplies a batch job to convert your existing BMS source macros to MAPR's VSAM file. This can be used by new MAPR customers to convert from SDF, SDF-II, BMS/GT, BMS/TS, and from BMS macros from other sources. Long field names as well as horizontal, vertical, and two-dimensional arrays can be converted. Multiple maps can be input to one conversion job.

Intuitive full-screen editor:
CICS/MAPR II's screen editor allows you to "edit" the entire map that you want to create or change on one screen. Simply enter headings or constant information just as you want it to appear on the screen. Then follow MAPR's simple rules for entering variable fields. For example, to create a four-byte "protected" alphanumeric field, just enter PPPP wherever you want it to appear on the map.

Field Definition screen:
The field names for the variable fields that make up the symbolic map are entered on the Field Definition screen. The Field Definition screen also defines all of the characteristics for the field (protect, bright, color, highlight, justify, PICIN, PICOUT, etc.). CICS/MAPR II supports field names of up to 30 characters, plus an optional 1 to 8 character prefix to be put in front of each field name on a map. MAPR appends a one-character suffix to each field name in the copybook (I for input, O for output, L for length, C for color, etc.). MAPR generates the proper fields to match the attributes defined for the map (color, highlighting, etc.). 
Array Handling:
CICS/MAPR II handles all aspects of array processing---conversion from other BMS source, easy definition in online MAPR, and symbolic map copybook generation. MAPR has supported vertical arrays for a long time. Horizontal and two-dimensional array support was added in release 4.8. A horizontal array is a field or fields that repeat some number of times across one row. A vertical array consists of portions of row(s) or entire row(s) that repeat some number of times (on other rows). A two-dimensional array is field(s) that repeat both horizontally across a row and vertically down rows. CICS/MAPR II's Array Definition screen defines arrays (rows, columns, occurs, etc.), as well as the order in which array fields will appear in the physical and symbolic map.
Demo System:
CICS/MAPR II's Demo System aids CICS application development by allowing a programmer to test, demonstrate, and prototype a series of screens before they are used in the actual application programs. After maps are designed by MAPR, they can be defined to and displayed by the Demo System (and/or the Test function) without assembling the map or compiling the program. PF Keys can be defined to the Demo System to simulate the sequence of screen flows in an application.