JES Queue for Printers 2.3 Release Notes
Released On: 12/07/2005
- Supports the Rijndael encryption algorithm, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), reference the Control Table parameter SECURE.
- Added option for LPD type printers to bind to ports other than 721-731, reference the Control Table parameter TCPIP.
- Added parameters to control the BIND SOCKET "address in use" failure, reference the Control Table parameter CONNECT.
- Added new exit to control the selection of the JQP setup module, reference the Control Table parameter SETSEL and Destination "Setup Options".
- Option to support installations using the JES parameter NODENAME=REQUIRED has been added, reference the Control Table parameter NODE.
- Option to allow Lexmark barcode commands within the data has been added, reference the Control Table parameter DFLAGS (3rd flag) and the Destination "Option Flags" (3rd flag).
- Option to remove blank lines at the end of the page has been added, reference the Control Table parameter DFLAGS (7th flag) and the Destination "Option Flags" (7th flag).
- Option to purge or place on hold a report in a failed or halted status on the JQPFDIPQ screen has been added.
- Option to use the FLASH name as the JQP setup module has been added, reference the Control Table parameter SETSEL and Destination "Setup Options".
- Option to control the add, delete and update JQP definition functions separately has been added, reference the Control Table parameter SECMENU.
- Option to place the cursor at the JQP command line field on update screens has been added, reference the Control Table parameter CURSOR.
- Support for LDCS type printers have been added,
- reference the Destination "RAW".
- Support to call GDDM module ADMOPUJ for VTAM type printer has been added, reference the Control Table parameter GDDM and the VTAM Printer "GDDM CLASS".
- Option to control the action taken for invalid carriage control within the data has been added, reference the Control Table parameter DFLAGS (8th flag) and the Destination "Options Flags" (8th flag).
- Option to control the amount of time JQP will wait on a TCP/IP command has been added, reference the TCP/IP Printer "TCP Wait Times".
- Option to wait a specified number of seconds after printing to a TCP/IP printer has been added, reference the TCP/IP Printer "TCP Wait Times".
- Option to print each dataset within the report as a separate report has been added, reference the Printer "Switch" (8th switch).
- Increases the LPD queue name from 24 to 48 bytes.
- Option to suppress multiple "skip to channel one immediate" commands has been added, reference the Control Table DFLAGS (6th flag) and the Destination "Option Flags" (6th flag).
- Requirement to assemble the JQP HELP text has been removed.
- Option to control which PFKEYS are displayed on the JQP screens has been added.
- New table JQPFDFCF has been added to control the creation of the LPD control file sent by JQP to the LPD server has been added.
- Messages written to the JQPLOG will contain the user-id who issued the command.
- Option to select the separator exit routine for each printer has been added, reference the Control Table and Printer "Setup Options".
- Option to control the messages written to the JQPLOG and SYSLOG has been added, reference the Message Table JQPLOG and SYSLOG parameters.
- Security for each field on the JQP update screens has been added, reference the Command Table TYPE=SECURE entries.
- MacKinney Systems created line routine exit option has been added, reference the Control Table parameter LRTNS and Destination "Line Routines".
- Option for LPD type printers to pass the control file first has been added, reference the TCP/IP Printer "Switch" (4th switch).
- Option to allow VTAM type printers to be LOGAPPL=JQP has been added.
- Option to reset the printer statistics has been added, reference the STATS command.
- Option to purge a user logged onto JQP has been added, reference the PURGE command.