JES Queue for Printers 3.2 Release Notes
Released On: 12/14/2012
- Added RACF security call tracing.
- Added option to replace existing JQP definitions with imported definitions.
- Added second email notification address for a JQP printer definition.
- Added option to print the separator page using an ASCII translate table for JQP destinations using RAW=1.
- Added feature to trace the DCB and record returned from JES.
- Changes the Printer Security Table JQPFTBSE to support generic printer entries.
- Enhanced the PING command to allow using the JQP printer name.
- Added option for printer $FILE to perform print line translation.
- Added option to submit JCL after successful printing for JQP printer $FILE only.
- Added option to issue the following console command after each report successfully prints.
- $TO J(jobid),OUTGRP=grpid,NDISP=HOLD.
- Added option to use PCL commands to make duplicate overstrike lines BOLD.
- Added option to write a highlighted message to the system console when the FORM needs mounting on the JQP printer to print the selected report.
- Added option to send the JQP setup module 1STDD codes before and after the dataset prints.
- Added option to use RACF password phrase.
- Enhanced the filter feature to include status for TCP/IP printers, VTAM printers and destinations.
- Show the system default value in yellow for printer and destination definitions in 'Display Mode'.
- Modified Administration menu screens to process all line commands.
- Added option to bypass the Administration delete confirmation screen.
- Added option to bypass the Menu List screen for single item displays.
- Added support for IPV6.
- Added option to force the JQP trace graphic representation to ASCII.Added new exit to customize the data set name allocated for the report for printer $FILE.
- Prevents S106-E ABEND when the NEWCOPY command is issued for the module causing the JQP load library to take another extent. Previous JQP releases required the JQP load library be defined with zero secondary allocation. Now the JQP load library can be defined with a non-zero secondary allocation.
- Added new command to send a ripple pattern to a printer.Added pacing feature for TCP/IP printers.
- Destination parameters Max Lines and Requeue Lines are increased from six to eight digits.