JES Queue for Printers 3.3 Release Notes
Released On: 04/10/2015
- Ability to specify the JQP license information (password) in the PDS source member $INIT.
- JQP destination name added to the SMF type-6 record.
- Ability to trace the SMF Type-6 records written.
- Option to place the destination in an EDRAIN status in the event of a SAPI logic error FAIL-15.
- SYSID field added to the LPD Control File Group Table JQPFDFCF.
- Option to bypass JQPFDFCF LPD Control File field truncation.
- New exit JQPFEX03 to insert lines or data before the JQP setup module.
- New exit JQPFEX04 to modify the JQP destination record before printing starts.
- Option to send the JQPLOG to the printer in the event a MacKinney Print Transform (MPT) fails.
- Option to scan AFP page mode reports for mixed mode
- Load module routine verifies the module's RENT/REUS attribute. If the module does not have the RENT/REUS attributes, continue to load the module and issue a warning message JQPRLDPH08.
- Option to pass the FCB image to the JQP separator exit.
- Option to use temporary data sets for the LPD work files.
- SHOW command display (excluding buffer allocations) included within the printer tracing information.
- Console message JQPROCWR01 is displayed first for multiple line messages not starting with the message ID JQP.
- MacKinney Systems products JES Report Broker, VTAM Virtual Printer and MainFormIT and various other vendor products create reports identified with an alternate Job Name and/or Job ID identification. The alternate identification comes from the original reports these products process as input. JQP will display the alternate identification when available.