SignOn 1.0 Release Notes
Released On: 01/14/1999
- User SIGNON/SIGNOFF functions providing seamless integration of previous CICS signon/signoff (CSSN/CESN/CESF) functions.
- User ability to change passwords.
- Automatic password expiration after "x" number of days.
- Upward compatibility for your existing CICS programs.
- Support for EXEC CICS INQUIRE/ASSIGN commands for USERID and OPID. (No changes are required for your programs!)
- Access to user's operator keys (OPERKEYS) and user name (now expanded to 30 bytes) using the CICS/SignOn application programming interface.
- Migration Utility provided to automatically migrate your existing transaction, user, and terminal security into CICS/SignOn. (You can migrate ALL your current definitions in MINUTES!)
- Protection: Passwords, definitions and data areas are encrypted for protection from unauthorized access
- Ability to secure CICS transactions, terminals, and users with CICS keys.
- Ability to define CICS transactions with multiple keys alleviating much of the need to expand past 64 CICS keys.
- Ability for System Administrators to reset passwords.
- Complete audit log of signons, signoffs, and changes.
- CICS/SignOn uses only standard documented CICS interfaces assuring you of maximum reliability and compatibility. There are no "hooks" into your system!
- CICS/SignOn is designed explicitly for CICS. Other security packages affect your entire system (ouch!) whether you want security just for CICS or not. CICS/SignOn is written specifically for CICS and for this reason, makes use of many performance/usability advantages.